Competitive Bidding with Will Jenner-O'Shea

A Lesson
Extra InformationCompetitive Bidding Workshop. How to bid. When to push them. When to Double. Scoring, Sacrifices and Game Try Bids. Lots of Competitive Bidding Practice Hands with Play and Defence Tips. Face to face and including morning tea and lunch at East Lindfield 10am to 3pm. Suitable for all levels at a cost of $60. If you have special Dietary Requirements, please add a note when registering.
ConvenerFiona Lavery
VenueEast Lindfield
  1. Friday, August 30, 2024, 10:00 AM
Online Entries
  1. Sharon Thompson (1110756)
  2. Peter Brook (1167804)
  3. Vivian Schenker (107786)
  4. Don Lange
  5. Paula Schrieber (1174649)
  6. Sue Zicat (1068970)
  7. Geraldine Hardman (1068792)
  8. Nina Menzies (1168302)
  9. Sally Magrath (1199404)
  10. Jennifer Corrigan (779245)